19.Her resilient spirit enabled her to overcome numerous setbacks and achieve her long-held aspirations.

What does the word “resilient” mean in this passage?
a) Fragile and easily broken
b) Strong and able to recover from difficulties
c) Unmotivated
d) Unambitious

Answer: b) Strong and able to recover from difficulties

18. Her effervescent personality lit up the room, and she was the life of the party wherever she went.

What does the word “effervescent” mean in this passage?

a) Serious
b) Lively and bubbly
c) Introverted
d) Boring

Answer: b) Lively and bubbly

17. Mark’s remarkable transformation from a shy introvert to a confident speaker was like night and day. His friends were amazed by the change in his behavior.

“Like night and day” in the passage most likely means:
a) Similar in appearance
b) Completely different
c) Average
d) Slowly changing

Answer: b) Completely different

16. The documentary provided an insightful analysis of the historical events, shedding light on lesser-known aspects of the story. 

What does the word insightful mean in this passage?
a) Shallow
b) Thought-provoking
c) Brief
d) Confusing

Answer: b) Thought-provoking

15. The company’s expansion strategy was prudent, carefully considering potential risks and long-term benefits.

a) Reckless
b) Cautious and wise
c) Ambitious
d) Inflexible
Answer: b) Cautious and wise

14. The professor’s erudition was evident in his lectures, where he effortlessly explained complex theories and concepts.

What does the word “erudition” mean in this passage?
a) Lack of knowledge
b) Intellectual knowledge
c) Confusion
d) Simplicity

Answer: b) Intellectual knowledge

13. The comedian’s acerbic humor often targeted societal issues, making audiences laugh while also encouraging critical thinking about the world around them.

What does the word acerbic mean in this passage?
a) Bland
b) Bitter
c) Predictable
d) Sarcastic

Answer: Sarcastic

12. Many species of animals, such as dolphins, whales, and sea turtles, are dependent on ___ environments for their survival.

a) terrestrial
b) arboreal
c) marine
d) desert

Answer: marine

11. Tom felt like a “fish out of water” at the art gallery. He wasn’t familiar with the artworks and didn’t know how to appreciate them.

“fish out of water”:
a) Confident
b) Uncomfortable or out of place
c) Skillful
d) Familiar with the surroundings

Answer: b) Uncomfortable or out of place

10 Alex was feeling “under the weather,” so he decided to stay home and rest. He had a sore throat and a runny nose, and he felt tired and achy. He hoped to feel better soon.

“Under the weather”: feeling~
a) energetic
b) sick
c) happy
d) boring

Answer: b) sick

9 The new restaurant in town was “all the rage.” People were talking about it everywhere, and there was a long line outside every evening.

“All the rage”:
a) Not popular
b) Unpleasant
c) Very popular
d) Moderately popular

Answer: c) Very popular

8 The economic recession had a “profound” impact on the lives of many citizens, leading to job losses and financial instability.

a) Superficial
b) Positive
c) Negative
d) Deep and important

Answer: d) Deep and important

7 The artist’s abstract paintings often leave viewers in a state of “puzzlement,” as they try to decipher the meanings behind the intricate patterns and shapes.

a) Clarity
b) Confusion
c) respect
d) Indifference

Answer: b) Confusion

6 Alex was feeling under the weather, so he decided to stay home and rest. He had a sore throat and a runny nose, and he felt tired and achy. He hoped to feel better soon.

“Under the weather” in the passage most likely means:
a) Feeling energetic
b) Feeling sick
c) Feeling happy
d) Feeling bored

Answer: b) sick

5 Despite the rain, the outdoor concert was a “hit.” People were dancing and singing along to the music, and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

a) failure
b) moderate success
c) great success
d) average event

Answer: c) great success

4 Anna was feeling blue after her favorite team lost the championship game. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed and downhearted.

“Feeling blue” in the passage most likely means:
a) Feeling joyful
b) Feeling sad
c) Feeling anxious
d) Feeling angry

Answer: b) Feeling sad

3 After receiving a promotion at work, Maria was on cloud nine all day. She felt proud of her accomplishments and couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.

“On cloud nine” in the passage most likely means:
a) Feeling low
b) Feeling confused
c) Feeling happy
d) Feeling sleepy

Answer: c) Feeling happy

2 Karen had a long day at work and was completely drained. She felt mentally and physically exhausted. All she wanted to do was relax and get a good night’s sleep.

“Drained” in the passage most likely means:
a) Full of energy
b) Unhappy
c) Anxious
d) Exhausted

Answer: d) Exhausted

1 John is feeling ecstatic today. He received some great news that made him extremely happy. He couldn’t contain his excitement and started jumping up and down with joy.

“Ecstatic” in the passage most likely means:
a) Sad
b) Annoyed
c) Excited
d) Tired

**Answer: c) Exc

3. The person ____ you spoke to at the conference was quite knowledgeable.

a) who
b) whom
Answer: b) whom

2. The team, ____ won the championship, celebrated with enthusiasm.

a) which
b) who
c) when
d) what

Answer: c) who

1. The boy ____ mother is a doctor won the science competition.

a) who
b) which
c) whose
d) that

Answer: c) whose

1. 以下の文を正しい順序に 並べ替えてください。
A) As the cake baked, a sweet aroma filled the kitchen.
B) Additionally, she preheated the oven to the required temperature.
C) After that, she poured the batter into a greased baking pan.
D) She carefully measured the ingredients and mixed them in a bowl.

Answer: DBCA
