
Step 1: まずは挑戦!

  1. What does “whiff” mean in baseball terminology?
    a) A successful hit
    b) A strikeout swing and miss
    c) A bunt
    d) A home run
  2. What is the meaning of “ERA” in baseball?
    a) Estimated Runs Allowed
    b) Earned Run Average
    c) Every Run Accounted
    d) Effective Run Average
  3. In baseball, what is a “can of corn”?
    a) A home run
    b) A pop fly easily caught by a fielder
    c) A fastball
    d) A double play
  4. What does “OPS” stand for in baseball statistics?
    a) On-base Plus Strikeouts
    b) On-base Plus Slugging
    c) Offensive Performance Score
    d) Optimal Pitcher Strike
  5. What is a “pickle” in baseball?
    a) A stolen base
    b) A run-down between bases
    c) A ground rule double
    d) A triple play
  6. What does “dugout” refer to in baseball?
    a) The area where the coach stands
    b) The area where players sit when not on the field
    c) The outfield fence
    d) The bullpen
  7. In baseball, what is a “cycle”?
    a) A player hitting for the cycle: single, double, triple, and home run in one game
    b) A rotation of the batting order
    c) A series of three outs
    d) A series of three strikes
  8. What is a “rubber game” in baseball?
    a) The final game of a series when the series is tied
    b) A game with a high score
    c) The opening game of the season
    d) A game that goes into extra innings
  9. What does the term “LOOGY” refer to in baseball?
    a) A left-handed pitcher who specializes in getting one out
    b) A long home run
    c) A low scoring game
    d) A right-handed closer
  10. What is the “hot corner” in baseball?
    a) The shortstop position
    b) The pitcher’s mound
    c) Third base
    d) Home plate

Step 2: 文脈をヒントに!

  1. The pitcher threw a fastball so quick that the batter could only whiff, swinging and missing completely.
    a) A successful hit
    b) A strikeout swing and miss
    c) A bunt
    d) A home run
  2. The batter hit a high pop fly into the outfield, which was a can of corn for the left fielder to catch.
    a) A home run
    b) A pop fly easily caught by a fielder
    c) A fastball
    d) A double play
  3. With an OPS of .900, the player was considered a major offensive threat every time he stepped up to the plate.
    a) On-base Plus Strikeouts
    b) On-base Plus Slugging
    c) Offensive Performance Score
    d) Optimal Pitcher Strike
  4. The team cheered from the dugout as their teammate hit the game-winning home run.
    a) The area where the coach stands
    b) The area where players sit when not on the field
    c) The outfield fence
    d) The bullpen
  5. The rubber game of the series will determine the winner, as both teams have won one game each.
    a) The final game of a series when the series is tied
    b) A game with a high score
    c) The opening game of the season
    d) A game that goes into extra innings
  6. Playing the hot corner requires quick reflexes due to the hard-hit balls that come towards third base.
    a) The shortstop position
    b) The pitcher’s mound
    c) Third base
    d) Home plate
  7. With an ERA of 2.30, the pitcher was one of the most effective in the league, allowing very few runs per game.
    a) Estimated Runs Allowed
    b) Earned Run Average
    c) Every Run Accounted
    d) Effective Run Average
  8. The manager brought in the LOOGY to face the left-handed batter in a critical situation.
    a) A left-handed pitcher who specializes in getting one out
    b) A long home run
    c) A low scoring game
    d) A right-handed closer
  9. The runner got caught in a pickle between first and second base, and the infielders quickly tagged him out.
    a) A stolen base
    b) A run-down between bases
    c) A ground rule double
    d) A triple play
  10. The player completed the cycle with a triple in the ninth inning, having already hit a single, double, and home run.
    a) A player hitting for the cycle: single, double, triple, and home run in one game
    b) A rotation of the batting order
    c) A series of three outs
    d) A series of three strikes


  1. b) A strikeout swing and miss
  2. b) Earned Run Average
  3. b) A pop fly easily caught by a fielder
  4. b) On-base Plus Slugging
  5. b) A run-down between bases
  6. b) The area where players sit when not on the field
  7. a) A player hitting for the cycle: single, double, triple, and home run in one game
  8. a) The final game of a series when the series is tied
  9. a) A left-handed pitcher who specializes in getting one out
  10. c) Third base

These questions will challenge your knowledge of baseball terminology and help you learn more about the nuances of the game.
